Katherine Compton: A Big Mac fit for Kid Rock - Victoria Advocate

Katherine Compton: A Big Mac fit for Kid Rock - Victoria Advocate

Katherine Compton: A Big Mac fit for Kid Rock - Victoria Advocate

Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:00 AM PST

Child actor Ricky Schroder said of Music City USA, "Nashville feels like a big little town to me. It's got lots of culture and lots of interesting things to do and lots of interesting people. At the same time, it feels very small and tight-knit and very close. Everyone feels like they know each other." He couldn't have been more right.

Just before Christmas, a contingent of my small-town friends and I headed to "Nashvegas" for a little adult "vacay" before the "big show" of Christmas.

We had an absolutely great time punctuated by many memorable experiences, but one truly defined the trip, and that was a "Close Encounter of the Kid Rock Kind."

I have been a longtime fan of Kid Rock and had previously seen him twice in concert, so naturally, Kid Rock's Big AHonky Tonk Rock N' Roll Steakhouse on Broadway was first on our list of stops. We picked out our perch on the second of three floors, ordered a sampling of snacks, a few libations and settled in to enjoy some live music when Kid Rock himself showed up and sat down across the bar from us.

To say we were surprised and excited would be an understatement. (In hindsight, I don't know why I was so surprised. If I owned a honky-tonk, I am pretty sure you would find me there every Sunday afternoon.)

We ate in awe until it was time for us to head out on a golf cart tour.

As we made our way downstairs, Kid did, too, via a private staircase connected to the stage and gave an impromptu show. I was floored, finding myself literally at the stage, just a breath away from the artist.

It was an unexpected and unbelievable start to our trip. When he finally left the stage, we practically floated outside. Our trip had been made in just the first few hours.

A couple of years ago, I stumbled across an interview with Kid Rock where he said, "You know, when I started, I liked Big Macs and Budweiser, and I still like Big Macs and Budweiser," which seems to sum him up perfectly. It has been a long time since I had a Big Mac, but I decided to make one for dinner, right before my new year's diet starts in earnest. I think these are even better than the real thing.

We had a fabulous time in Nashville, and when I heard the news of the bombing came across my phone on Christmas Day, I was heartbroken. We enjoyed our last amazing meal just two short days before at The Stillery, which was unfortunately right in the heart of the blast area.

As soon as I am able to head back to Tennessee, I will.

Nashville is a big city, but it truly has a small, hometown vibe that instantly makes you feel at home — and the people, dripping with talent and endlessly friendly, are like no other.

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